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4th - 6th March @ The Mount Without, 7.30pm

CRASHOUT is a new site-specific solo work by Marikiscrycrycry that takes in Impermanence’s new home for dance in Bristol.

Continuing a legacy of the choreographer’s investigation into dark fantasy, horror, and the choreographic form, CRASHOUT unfolds a tapestry of symbols, aesthetics, and subaltern narratives that directly engage with the ancient iconography of the Ouruoboros (the snake that eats its own tail), the seminal experimental metal album Uroboros by Japanese avant-metal band Dir en Grey, and the interrogation of biographical tension, affect generation, rage and regret.

This new work is the eighth in a series of works by the artist Marikiscrycrycry that utilise choreographic practice to pose ontological questions around peculiar human condition, the material nature of possibility, and what it means to find pertinence and perpetuity.

27 February

Gavin Fairhall Lever GIG

11 March

'Nostalgic Sewing - injecting life into old photos’ Exhibition